We are currently busy with our new greenhouse and updating our website for an improved online experience.
More coming soon!


We sustain the mastery of Dutch growers

How can we scale experience that’s usually only obtained by years of hard work under the supervision of an experienced grower, acquiring the skills over time, make mistakes, learn and improve and eventually become an expert grower? At HortiTech we took the essentials of that process to build a comprehensive program for growers and greenhouse managers. We can make a monumental contribution to the business case of new and existing greenhouse projects. And enable serious growth. We call it MoniMenTal.

The trainees, which we call TALENTS are selected by the head/owner of the greenhouse facility. The talents travel to the Netherlands for three months of intense training. He or she is accompanied and supported by a selected young graduate that we call the MONITOR, and a seasoned professional; the MENTOR.

During the start of the program in the Netherlands, we make extensive use of the experience and expertise of our educational partners and trainers. The talent is supported by the monitor and mentor, all throughout this period. The acquired knowledge can be directly applied in greenhouses by the talent, to enhance his skills immediately.

After three months the Talent returns to the country of origin and gets back to work in the greenhouse, accompanied by the Monitor. He or she will live and work alongside the Talent for up to one year. Meanwhile in the Netherlands the Mentor is always available for consultation. This ensures continued training and improvement of performance. In the long run this leads to the required expertise that enables the talent to do the job without the presence of the Monitor.

We collect information from sensors and management information systems to enable effective analysis and discussion. We turn this information into valuable insights for improvement and benchmarking.

We make us of the best available IT for remote monitoring of the environment and performance of the greenhouse operation. This enables us to support the talents.


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