
Training and Education

HortiTech offers training programs based on both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, the key to successful training programs.
Depending on the type of training you require, we can make a tailored program fitted to your needs. This can vary from two weeks of theoretical training to three months of combined theoretical and practical training.

The theoretical part contains elements of horticultural technology, cultivation methods and business management. We have developed a complete overview of all relevant theoretical topics from you can make your selection. The wide selection of topics allows you to train for various different processes in your greenhouse. The practical side of our training programs will train you to apply your theoretical knowledge to practical situations. Understanding the theory behind the process is the first step, applying it to the process to control it is the next one.

Practical experience is gained by letting the trainees do an internship at Dutch growers. The selection of a Dutch grower is based on the preference and the needs of the trainees. The trainees will learn why certain activities take place in the greenhouse.

When certain theoretical subjects are being discussed during theory part, those subjects will be used during the practical days as well. That way, trainees learn theory and afterwards see that theory in practice.


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